Posted on 10/07/2019 1:30:03 AM PDT by Jacquerie
Subtitle: Machiavelli on the Greatest Sedition - Whisper Campaigns
As opposed to formal charges from a prosecutor, in which the accused has constitutional protections at his disposal, the accused in whisper campaigns typically finds little relief. High school girls are notorious for their vicious whisper campaigns against other girls. Long before social media, these terrible women, terribilis mulieres, made life so awful for their victims that even in old age, few forget the misery.
Niccolo Machiavelli, in his Discourses on Livy, believed the Roman grand jury, with its power to indict and to clear names and reputations, regularly saved the republic.1 There were few better guardians of liberty than the magisterial authority to indict citizens when they commit any kind of offense against free government. The benefits are two-fold. First, citizens were careful to avoid false accusations against government for fear of their own punishment. Second, the grand jury offered public release for what he called, humors that arise within cities in one way or another against fellow citizens.
He observed that false accusations are most often employed where there are few public indictments and wherever cities are less well organized to receive them. Alternatively, false accusers must suffer because great disorders follow unanswered whisper campaigns.
The 1st Amendment secures freedom of the press. It does not secure the identity of their sources. There is no reason why these domestic saboteurs find safety behind the Constitutional order they conspire to destroy. Whisper campaign victims should find relief in state or federal grand juries. Subpoena the media to identify their source; question the source. If they back up their accusations with evidence, send everyone home. Should the accusations have no basis, then prosecute, prosecute, prosecute .
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