It is possible that nether Islam nor China will threaten anyone’s capacity to continue to rule their own countries. Please note I say “possible” ..... I dont think anyone knows for sure.
China is a very tightly controlled one party state. They are so successful as a trading nation that they may be wise enough to avoid wars. NB ....... MAY BE .......
Muslim nations in the middle east are constantly fighting each other.
21st century democratic Indonesia does not start wars.
20th Century Turkey did not start wars. 21st century Turkey on the other hand...
Don’t be blind to Islam. It is the proverbial Sword of Damocles.
China is a nation. Islam is trans-borders.
As the UK and Europe give in more and more
to Muslim immigration, the cultures will
become more and more Islam-friendly.
Indonesia’s Muslims need only lay low until
the rest of the world is too polluted to resist.
It won’t be a war, but an ongoing surrender.