They are resisting an election whose outcome they disagree with.
This “resistance” is not directed AT President Trump, per se. It is directed at the fact the left lost an election they were 100% sure was handed to them on a silver plate.
Even had fauxahauntas herself had a road to Damascus moment and switched sides then won (just an example!) the tantrum would be the same.
This is “resisting” the representative democracy we have in the USA. The left has thrown off any pretense of pretending to be anything but fascists.
Petty dictators — with each every one thinking he/she will be in the elite dictating group.
I used to wonder why these ass hats 🎩 liked communism, since it kills lots of people, till I realized exactly what you just said. They all think they are going to be the commie elite rulers. I have news for them. They are usually the first ones to stand in front of the anti aircraft guns. 😊⚔️
You are dumb, as your name states.
Whether you know it or not you're spouting liberal BS.
America is a Constitutional Republic, not a representative democracy.
Free your mind from its indoctrination.