Remember Davis is Cohen's lawyer and Cohen has pled guilty to a crime that doesn't exist. Now why would he do that?!
In 2016, Donald Trump stepped into the breach to preserve what was left of our American Heritage. When he boldly rejected the "politically correct" mantra that was stifling honest debate throughout the West, we rallied to his banner with a sense of elation. Yet we did not until 2018, really appreciate how truly late was the hour--how truly great the personal peril to this wise, brave & good man; nor how great the potential benefit to all of us, were he to succeed; how great the disaster to our children & grandchildren, were he to fail.
Simply put, Donald Trump stands between our losing or retaining what still remains, in our potential future, of what the immortal Washington won at Yorktown.
Again, almost none of us realized how compromised we were, already, two years ago. This is a sobering moment as one considers the challenge immediately before us. We dare not fail to put our best foot forward.
Trump may be our last real hope for a recognizable America.