I think that can be said of all great leaders. Trump is certainly proving to be one. Perhaps it really was his destiny to be our president. Many people have thought so, over the decades.
Many also believe he will go down as one of our greatest President's. I firmly believe he is made of just such stuff, and that he has it within him to lead our country to a much better place.
How he gets us there is the enigma. Some of the things he does - particularly in regards to the ongoing coup attempt - are puzzling, even counter-intuitive, to many observers.
On the surface, his tactics and strategies in this matter, make little sense. His actions, reactions, and the lack thereof, have sparked months of analysis and debate among his supporters.
All of it has caused me to wonder if we're looking at what he's doing from the wrong plane. If he's operating at the level of Grand Purpose, then no, it would appear irrational to those who are analyzing his actions from the level of tactics and strategies.
He is completely enigmatic to the shallow minds that dominate popular culture, but he is utterly understandable to those who have understanding.