Sure, why not? Over 100 years of failure means nothing.
For Elizabeth and her ilk, it’s way past time for some “sensible speech control.”
Yes, Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, Hitler, Saddam Hussein (Socialist Baath Party), etc, etc. Not to forget over 100 million murdered in the process.
Over 100 years of failure means nothing.......A lot longer than 100 years. This country started out as Socialist and they didn’t know it. Once all the product was warehoused, the people who did NOT produce it broke in and stole it. The young people who produced refused to work for nothing and eventually the governing people gave land, seed and help to the workers. Voila! (Or in the American vernacular, “Holy Balls!!) things turned around and there was a surplus at most times.
You have to break open a few skulls (o.k, a lot) and terrorize a populace, but hey Utopia is worth it.