Posted on 01/04/2018 5:56:49 AM PST by NOBO2012
All it takes to go from goat to superhero with the mainstream media is a little Trump bashing. Ergo, yesterdays white nationalist presidential Svengali, Steve Bannon
has morphed into todays mutant Ninja white patriarchal hero something a white male could previously do only by transitioning to an entirely new gender.
Caitlyn, 2015 winner of the ESPN Arthur Ashe Courage Award**
They might at least have the common decency to be embarrassed by their sudden adulation of Saint Bannon but that would be asking for some semblance of decency which is clearly beyond their ken.
Michael Wolff, who was apparently tapped to write about the first 100 days of Trump as he was given White House access, has not previously been held in high regard by the MSM. I suppose that could explain why he was chosen unwisely, it would seem, by Bannon himself, I would suspect. A questionable decision in retrospect.
Wolff has previously been bashed by none less than the Columbia (his alma mater) Journalism Review and referred to as blunt, pathetic and calculating by various sources. Of course being a pariah of MSM may have served in Wolffs favor at the time Bannon tapped him for the assignment.
So brace yourself; it will be shark week, which generally runs for a month, commencing with the release of this book next week. This is good for the MSM as they havent had much new Russia! Russia! Russia! material for quite awhile now.
I am focusing on something that will not be good news for the MSM, also revealed in Wolffs book: Peter Thiel Is Exploring The Creation Of A Conservative Cable News Network.
Sources say the billionaire has engaged the wealthy Mercer family about the endeavor. According to a new book, Thiel also explored plans to create a Fox News competitor with the late Roger Ailes.
I would suggest they not hire Steve Bannon.
** Runner up to Caitlyn Jenner:
Posted from: MOTUS A.D.
I'm no business genius, but I think business agreements work best when all parties involved in the negotiations are, as they say, "above-ground".
“Transitioning” has been the term used in hospice care relating to the stages and symptoms in the death process.
All of this makes me more than a bit skeptical that it is at is portrayed and believed, at least by the Left. I would not be surprised if this this turns out to be another bit of trolling and gaming the Left on the part of Trump and Bannon.
All of this makes me more than a bit skeptical that it is at is portrayed and believed, at least by the Left. I would not be surprised if this this turns out to be another bit of trolling and gaming the Left on the part of Trump and Bannon.
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