Yea, them skinny white chicks will get ya every time.
I worked with lots of the gays. The lesbos were so busy trying to prove they were men, that they did a pretty good job. Most of the male catamites were excellent employees, as far as showing up to work and doing the best they could. They also got along pretty good with everybody.
Except this one guy. He was a fat, militant, older homo dude with a handlebar mustooch who liked to dress up in leather and bring pictures of himself and his "boyfriend" to work and show people. He had been in the Navy and had a huge mermaid tattoo on his back.
He also liked to make out (in uniform) outside the building in public with his fella. It was like he was daring somebody to say something. Of course, nobody had the balls to do anything about him. He had lawsuit written all over him. People said he farted (soundlessly of course) constantly and it smelled like Liberace died in his ass fourteen years ago. I heard he got the HIV and left the job.
The other gay homos were funny, smart, and excellent gossips. I used them to gather intelligence on my other employees. Very good spies, the fags.
Now, black chicks. Don't get me started. It was like working with Angela Davis and Moochelle Osucka on their periods.
The Mexicans were hit and miss, just like normal people. Some excellent and some sucked ass. Same with the Asians a(Hmongs) and black males.
So, according to my research. It's the black chicks. A higher percentage of them were jacked up than any other demographic.
Go ahead. Just say it.
Just a hysterical synopsis from you, and honestly laughing like hell. Gave you several hints.....thats all ya get.