She has never been accepted for her incredible beauty due to transphobia, and that really needs to change.
Men who desire to have sex with other men have decided they would be able to attract more ‘manly’ men if they become women.
Does that make sense? It probably does to the insane. LOL!!!
When you throw God out of your country, this is one of the results.
Straight men who don’t want to [choose your verb] their date’s penis are TRANSPHOBIC and need to be imprisoned where they will be forced to do it anyway! :(
Let's start with the obvious correction...
Sure, straight guys really want to have to worry about their girlfriends cheating on them with other guys but also with lesbians.
Sorry dude, I date women. Real women.
By trans women partners, does she/he/it mean people with female DNA who manspread and wear men’s underwear and outer garments, or does she/he/it mean people with male DNA who pretend to be women, usually wearing a scarf to cover their Adam’s apple and wearing a stuffed bra, sweltering pantyhose, and painful-to-walk-in impractical high heels?
I can’t figure out what the press means by these terms anymore, now that they have submitted to the PC language of the insane.
They are bullying lesbians who refuse to have sex with a biologically intact man sexually attracted to women who, because he identifies as a woman, magically counts as a lesbian.
Uhm, so long as they have the spare parts sewn on, they should go @&$! Themselves.
This is not the first time I’ve seen this meme. Over the last year and a half this has been repeated a number of times.
I think this will be the next major push by the freaks. some way to force straights into relationships with freaks.
Before long it will be a “hate crime” to reject someone as a dating partner because he/she/it is not the sex he/she/it claims to be.
Yes. This will happen.
Why does this tranny want a straight man?
Are trannies repulsed by gay men? Are gay men repulsed by trannies?
As an alternative, why don’t “trans women” date male RealDolls? You would think that two pieces of sterile plastic would get on better than one piece and a RealGender human.
We’ve fallen fast in just seven years. In 2010, on the show Baggage, the “girl” was choosing one of three guys. When “she” picked him, “her” own baggage was revealed to be that “she” was a pre-op transsexual. The guy said, “Sorry, I’m not interested in dating someone with a penis. As far as I’m concerned, if you’re born with a penis, you’ll always be a guy.” And host Jerry Springer said, “I understand.” Jerry understood! I guarantee that in 2017, Jerry would be ranking the guy out.
These freakoids can get back to us when they find the genetic engineering to convert the male XY chromosome into the female XX and vise versa. Call it ‘transchromosomalnormativity’.
It’s hard to believe that the Circus is going bankrupt with all these freaks running around.
Chicks with d-cks ain’t chicks.
Hey Zinnia, would you be happy or sad if someone other than a doctor cut your peepee off?
Does this mean I can admonish homosexual men to start dating women? Turnabout and all...