Men on Strike: Why Men Are Boycotting Marriage, Fatherhood, and the American Dream - and Why It Matters
No male bashing.
I looked up the book on Amazon, and read the reviews. I was highly amused by one of the replies to the first review:
“I too have been outraged at the feminists running off the rails, and I say that as a “mere spectator,” as a gay man who has never had the slightest interest in women (sexual or otherwise). But I hope and pray that I can see what is right in front of my nose, and what I see is a brand-new female contempt for men. This astonishes me, since I really love men (even though “I’m not supposed to.”) So I have watched with disbelief as this new stage in the war between sexes developed, and, believe me, there have been times when I thanked my lucky stars that I was gay, and not really involved in this war (although I got plenty of disapproving stares just for being a man). I have three straight brothers, and two of them have lost their homes through absurd divorces. Dr. Helen is not just talking through her hat: men almost always lose in family court, and can even be forced to pay child support for a child that is not theirs.”
“This madness has to stop somewhere, but I am not sure where that is. Perhaps women demanding combat duty, and then betraying their “fellow” soldiers, will be the kiss of death. I don’t know. I left the U.S. long ago.”
I know that it doesn't matter to some people, but I personally couldn't marry a woman who chose to keep her maiden name.