Ryan is right.
And pretty much all of you know it.
You’re just petulant.
>Ryan is right.
>And pretty much all of you know it.
Possibly. However, nothing wrong with squeezing the rat a to see if we can get a better deal. Push him hard.
>Youre just petulant.
We have every right to be upset after 6 years of the Lyin’ Ryan lying to us about repealing it.
“Ryan is right.” About what petulant one?
1. The voters who expected this GOP to repeal this monstrosity.
2. The voters whose health insurance premiums aren't going to be any more affordable under this RyanCare bill than they were before.
The Republican Party is banking on the fact that Group #1 is a relatively small portion of the population, and they're probably right about that. But Group #2 is going to be enormous, and he ignores them at his peril.