on this one issue i disagree- this is a safety issue for women and children all across the nation- a woman or girl should not have to go through being protected in one state, while not protected in another state as they travel
The left are desperately trying to make this issue into a ‘transgender only’ issue- and it’s not- this issue opens the door to every pervert this side of hell gaining free legal access to their victims in places that should be as safe as possible by PREVENTING perverts access to them in enclosed spaces and places where they change and shower-
Massachusetts just passed a freakin law ALLOWING KNOWN SEX OFFENDERS the ‘right’ to use the bathrooms of their choice- and there is now nothing that women and children can do to prevent it-0 so NO- this is NOT just about transgender men using women’s bathrooms- this is about ALL mentally sick individuals now having access to women and children’s bathrooms
Many safety issues are the responsibility of lower levels of government than the Executive Office
The State and local governments are in best position to determine bathroom safety for everyone
Spicer needs to rinse lather and repeat
This is not a responsibility of the POTUS
You don't understand the issue. The crux of the issue is Federal power. Obama was able to declare, by executive order, that "trans-whatevers" should can trample on common culture (in this case, bathroom practice) across America. OK - so Trump may change that order this. But what happens next time a Democrat is elected?
Give massive power to Fed.gov over society and they will use it AGAINST you. Conservatives may "win" occasionally, but you will lose 9 out of 10 times against our massive, debt-fuelled, leftist Federal nanny state. That's already a long-established fact.
The left are desperately trying to make this issue into a transgender only issue- and its not- this issue opens the door to every pervert this side of hell gaining free legal access to their victims in places that should be as safe as possible by PREVENTING perverts access to them in enclosed spaces and places where they change and shower-
Massachusetts just passed a freakin law ALLOWING KNOWN SEX OFFENDERS the right to use the bathrooms of their choice- and there is now nothing that women and children can do to prevent it-0 so NO- this is NOT just about transgender men using womens bathrooms- this is about ALL mentally sick individuals now having access to women and childrens bathrooms
Pass this responsibility back to the local law makers and administrators, and watch this legislation DIE as the state powers-that-be feel the heat (they want to get re-elected, don-cha-know). That's the power of Federalism.
You say "a woman or girl should not have to go through being protected in one state, while not protected in another state as they travel" - watch what happens to those states that try to keep those stupid laws. All the owners of restaurants, ski resorts, hotels, etc., will be screaming at their state capitols when they find out that nobody's vacationing there anymore.
((% of our problems are there because the Fed has trampled the 10th Amendment for a long time.