Posted on 02/13/2017 9:11:27 PM PST by pboyington
Its time for the men in the white suits to escort Meryl Streep off stage and to a nice padded room in Malibu. There, her mind will be free to imagine fantastical boogeymen and conjure up evil, non-existent machinations emanating from the White House, whiles she fitted for a Vera Wang straight jacket.
Actress Meryl Streep has declared war on President Donald Trump and has seemingly elected herself the spokesman for the left-wing, organic, gluten free, crazy creative community in LA LA Land.
Last month at the Golden Globes Awards, Meryl used her five minutes of stage time to make one illogical and absurd rant after another concerning the President. She claimed that somehow and for a reason known only to her, President Trump was going to deport actors Dev Patel and Ryan Goseling and every other foreign actor, writer, producer and director in the ballroom of the Beverly Hilton.
Of course her immigration comments had nothing to do with the fact that illegal immigrants are the iceberg striking the nations blue collar Titanic, or that refugees from the Middle East may not wish to assimilate in America, but wish to annihilate America.
But, dont let truth get in the way Meryl
Her Golden Globes Awards tirade also included the age old liberal platitude of how tolerant the left is, even though they violently shut down free speech, vandalize property, burn cars and assault supporters of the President all for one reason, and one reason only, their candidate lost the election.
Illegals are citizens.
Appeasement is strength.
Intolerance is love.
Violence is peace.
Hate trumps hate.
Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo
Just when you thought one, Meryl couldnt sink any lower into a mental maelstrom and two, she had said her piece and would retire to her dressing room, she emerged this week like Norma Desmond on uppers , ready for another De Mille close up and filled with a plethora of historically inaccurate facts that could have only been given to her by one of the menopausal bimbos from The View.
On Saturday night, while receiving the National Ally for Equality Award from the Human Rights Campaign, an advocacy group for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues, Streep used the opportunity to demonize the President again.
Its terrifying to put the target on your forehead, and it sets you up for all sorts of attacks and armies of brownshirts and bots and worse, and the only way you can do it is to feel you have to, Ms. Streep said. You have to. You dont have an option. You have to.
What was that?
So, to begin with, Streep believes that we are all under attack from computer bots. What kind of global cataclysm does she think is underway, courtesy of the little scrubbing bubble bots?
More worrisome though were her comments comparing the Trump administration and conservatives to Nazi Brownshirts.
The S.A. (Sturm Abteilung) or Storm Troopers, wore brown shirts and were the initial enforcers during Hitlers rise to power in Germany in the 1920s. The SA were street brawlers who fought with communists and bullied Jews and other enemies of the future Third Reich.
After his election to chancellor in 1933, the SA and their leader, Ernst Roehm were becoming a growing threat to the German Army, which despised the SA and whom Hitler could not afford to irritate . On June 30, 1934, Roehm and nearly a thousand leaders from the SA were executed during the Night of the Long Knives.
With the SA in smithereens, a power vacuum was opened: enter Heinrich Himmler and the SS (Schutz Staffel), whose future acts of barbarism and genocide would make the SAs actions look like the work of irate school boys. To soothe the emotions of many SA troopers, Hitler allowed many of the SA members to transfer into the SS. This nearly doubled the ranks of the SS.
In a nutshell, the SA Brownshirt street brawler of 1932, could very well have been burning books on Kristallnacht in 1938, a SS guard at Auschwitz in 1944 or a Waffen SS trooper murdering civilians in Oradour-sur-Glane, France.
These are the thugs Meryl Streep compares to President Trump.
These are the butchers, Meryl Streep compares to the patriots who serve in Mr. Trumps administration.
These are the mass murderers whom Meryl Streep compares to the millions of conservatives across the country.
Obviously, Ms. Streep isnt watching the evening news. If she was, it would be obvious to her that the Brownshirts, the SA of America, are the tolerant left who are suppressing the Bill of Rights, assaulting people and destroying property on a daily basis.
Meryl Streeps comments are frankly disgusting and certainly more heinous and indeed more dangerous than Hillary Clintons infamous deplorable reference.
Meryl Streep has proven once again that shes mentally living in cloud cuckoo land, and that she has no absolutely no concept of what the hell shes talking about.
Boycott Streep. Pass it on.
Streep really needs to just shut up and go hide out somewhere, before us DEPLORABLE show up at here door. ;^)
Its terrifying to put the target on your forehead, and it sets you up for all sorts of attacks and armies of brownshirts and bots and worse, and the only way you can do it is to feel you have to, Ms. Streep said. You have to. You dont have an option. You have to.
Who are the brownshirts who are coming for Meryl Streep??
Who are these people who will haul her off to a concentration camp, never to be heard from again???
How is it that a Hollywood idiot such as Meryl Streep, feels she is somehow so courageous, in the era of Trump, to speak out against Trump, in a liberal Hollywood which hates Trump???
It would cost a fortune to get an American to humble themselves for her to that degree... and she knows it. We've seen her true colors.
Streep doesn't give a damn about working Americans or their wages being undermined by cheap labor... she only cares about herself and her fellow vile creepy so-called ‘elites’...
Absolutely nothing has ever appealed to me about her.
“Its time for the men in the white suits...”
Way past time!
I was called “Hitler” and “NAZI” in 1978, by a family member in response to opining that welfare ought to be time limited and that there were some crimes deserving of a death penalty. The tactic wasn’t rare back then but it was the first time that I called out the epithet hurler. 38 years and people are finally waking up to this stupid tactic.
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