Posted on 01/17/2017 6:33:44 AM PST by NOBO2012
Thank goodness for our federal government, they can fix anything:
The Department of State held workshops for agency employees struggling with the emotional stress of the Trump Transition in December, the Washington Free Beacon reports. DC
You cant blame them, their poor employees had barely recovered from Bush Derangement Syndrome (BDS) when along comes this even more virulent strain, Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), that nearly every employee at State fell prey to.
Im sure they had plenty of diaper pins, Play Doh, coloring books and counselors on hand in their safe space to prevent staffers from doing harm to themselves or others. Their overseers could feel their pain, and wanted to help them deal with it correctly.
Change is an inevitable part of the human experience. We can become paralyzed by fear or allow the experience of change to propel us closer to self-actualization.
In my experience self-actualized liberals are the worst kind: theyre the ones who will happily attack and malign anyone who doesnt agree with them, who cant advance a logical argument without resorting to name calling and out-of-control histrionics. Who, if they are successful, assume its because they are better than everyone else. And if they are not successful still assume they are better than everyone else butt are victims of the unfair/bigoted/racist world of conservatives. The role of their poor choices never enters the equation.
For the record the State Department didnt offer therapy sessions when Barack Hussein Obama won in 2008. Thats because when conservatives are disappointed with lifes outcome they dont channel all of their energy into crying, protesting and generally threatening the well-being of their ideological enemies and even their friends who will not join them in their collective stompy-footed demands.
No, when conservatives lose this is the only stress relief they get - or need:
And then they carry on.
Butt for liberals work is so overrated.
Posted from: Michelle Obamas Mirror
The current losers tend to project their own bad behavior onto conservatives constantly. I remember Super Tuesday how the MSM pundits were questioning Donald Trumps ability to lose the election gracefully.
It just goes on and on.
I spent 25 years in the mortgage banking business during my work career. We use to say we ate "change" for lunch because the rules of the industry and the interest rates would change several times a day sometimes. It was a madhouse trying to get loans closed with all the crap the government would throw at us.
I eventually moved on to another career after being beat up for so many years. But all that change had a positive effect on me. I grew a thicker skin and learned to roll with the punches from then on. Not much bothered me when things changed after that.
Change is good for all of us. It presents us with new opportunities and insights. It builds character. Without change, life would be awfully dull.
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