Posted on 12/04/2016 6:36:25 AM PST by NOBO2012
Ive been collecting these for a week or so, the only connection is they are all generated by various branches of the whacky left.
From the Green Belt:
1. Green Party switches strategy in Pennsylvania recount
Hours after a Green Party-backed campaign dropped its case in state courts they announce a change to their strategy to force a statewide recount of Pennsylvania's Nov. 8 presidential election, won by Republican Donald Trump, and said late Saturday night that it will seek help in the federal courts, rather than the state courts.
To say George Soros is a sore loser is an understatement. He will take this to Hell and back in an attempt to get the verdict hes looking for.
2. Liberals Mock Victims of Wildfire in Tennessee Because They Voted for Trump
Hating on victims because they a) voted for Trump b) are global warming deniers c) are Christian and d) enjoy white privilege.
What is it with Leftists preoccupation with fire anyway?
People Get Angry and They Burn Things Whoopie Goldberg
Like flags, Ferguson, Baltimore, Milwaukee and anybody they disagree with.
Protesters in LA unhappy with the election results turn to fire for a little stress relief.
From the Campus Belt:
1. Student Sues University After Accruing $224K in Debt But Getting No Degree
This woman was trying to get her doctorate in education. Six years later, she still doesnt have a degree and is drowning in debt. How does this happen?
A doctorate in Education? At any point did it occur to her that this was a waste of money? She should have enrolled in Trump University instead; she might have learned how to negotiate a settlement of that debt.
2. Ohio State Knife Attacker Abdul Artan Was Taking a Class About Microaggressions
Before he was shot dead while attempting to murder a bunch of people with a car and a butcher's knife, Ohio State University student Abdul Artana Somali-born Pakistani immigrant who reportedly became radicalized after learning about injustices committed against fellow Muslimswas enrolled in a class called "Crossing Identity Boundaries."
In fact, he had a group project on "microaggressions" due later this week. The assignment, worth 15 percent of his grade, required students to find a dozen examples of microaggressions on social media and explain which identity groups were the victims, according to the syllabus.
When are we going to stop teaching hate?
3. Toronto university Muslim groups block passage of motion to hold Holocaust Education Week
Its a systemic issue (on) many university campuses across Canada Universities are funded by taxpayer dollars and there needs to be some accountability at the government level.
In (again): Anti-Semitism. Out: Islamophobia. Any other questions?
From the LGBTQ Belt.
1. Chip And Joanna Gaines Church Is Firmly Against Same-Sex Marriage
Chip and Joanna Gaines series Fixer Upper is one of the most popular shows on HGTV they were the subject of a long profile in Texas Monthly that credited them with revitalizing the city of Waco, Texas, where the show is set and where their businesses are located The couple are riding a wave of success, largely due to their charm and appeal They have built a small empire, and they are not done yet. They have a huge retail space in Waco, as well as a new magazine, the Magnolia Journal; they have a real estate company; Joanna has a paint line and a home decor line. Season 4 of Fixer Upper begins Nov. 29.
And they are devout Christians so they must be taken down.
Their church, Antioch Community Church, is a nondenominational, evangelical, mission-based megachurch. And their pastor, Jimmy Seibert, who described the Gaineses as dear friends in a recent video, takes a hard line against same-sex marriage and promotes converting LGBT people into being straight.
So are the Gaineses against same-sex marriage?
Unfortunately for BuzzFeed they must not have gotten the memo about Trump winning. This death-by inuendo tactic doesnt work quite as easily as it did BT (Before Trump).
The BuzzFeed News report sparked a firestorm of criticism from Christians who argued that people who oppose same-sex marriage and LGBT rights are persecuted by the media. A Lutheran pastor published a piece in The Federalist under the headline, BuzzFeed Wants To Destroy Chip And Joanna Gaines For Being Christian And Wildly Popular. The Washington Post published an opinion piece calling it a non-story. And Megyn Kellys show The Kelly File featured a discussion of the story, with Fox News Dana Perino concluding it had backfired on BuzzFeed.
the Iowahawk has a suggestion:
2. Related story: Nation Shocked, Horrified As Christians Hold Christian Position (h/t Instapundit)
Were not saying people cant be Christians, a Seattle woman said in a Facebook comment. This is a free country, after all. But when Christians decide to actually have Christian beliefs about thingsIm sorry, thats just too far.
Christianity remains the only religion in America officially sanctioned for persecution. With a new sheriff in town you can expect that to change.
The word Christmas: I love Christmas, he said. I love Christmas. You go to stores now, you dont see the word Christmas. It says, Happy holidays all over. I say, Wheres Christmas? I tell my wife, Dont go to those stores.
I want to see Christmas no, I want to see Christmas, he said to applause.
And you know, other people can have their holidays but Christmas is Christmas, he said. [Remember] the expression Merry Christmas? You dont see it anymore. Youre [going to] see it if I get elected, I can tell you right now. I can tell you right now. Washington Times
The Gaines family, and Donald Trump, wish you a Merry Christmas
In: Merry Christmas Out: Happy Holidays
Posted from: Michelle Obamas Mirror
Am STILL laughing over Iowa Hawk’s suggested titles for a Buzz Feed show on HGTV!
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