Not the goal. The goal is to make people aware of information that casts a very different light on the conflict. I think perhaps I have made some people aware of information of which they may not have previously been aware.
Proverbs 18:2.
For any who have not encountered him before, DiogenesLamp is now our most persistent pro-Confederate propagadist, salesman for the Lost Cause, defender of historical mythology and revisionism.
As such, he mongers a lengthy line of talking points based on Marxist dialectics utterly immune to real facts and actual historical motives.
For example, like all pro-Confederates, DiogenesLamp minimizes the importance of slavery to Secessionists, while exaggerating the role of economics to Unionists.
So here's what's important to remember: at one place or another, every one of DiogenesLamp's talking points has been addressed and refuted in great detail, none of which had any effect, impervious as he is to such mundane things as facts, reason, logic or truth.
Instead he continues posting the same nonsense where ever opportunity presents itself.
The real historical truth is just what everyone learned in school: Deep South Fire Eaters declared secession in order to protect their "peculiar institution" -slavery- from abolitionists like "Ape" Lincoln and his Black Republicans.
These Secessionists then provoked, started and declared war on the United States in order to assert their sovereignty and to win more states & territories for the Confederacy.
Meanwhile, the Union did not formally recognize Confederate independence, but believed it could not use military force to prevent it unless Confederates started war, which they soon did.
Emancipation then became increasingly important to the Union as a tactic for weakening Confederate military and economic power.
That's what we learned in school, it was true then and still is today regardless of how often DiogenesLamp repeats his pro-Confederate cockamamie nonsense.