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How Black & Brown Tore the Blue Wall Down
self | J. Johnson

Posted on 11/12/2016 7:18:21 AM PST by jimjohn

In what can only be called a ‘teachable moment’, I would like to take this opportunity to gloat. Not at the democrats, or the paid hoodlums terrorizing the streets as I write, but many of my fellow Americans in this blog space and others that constantly rant based on the false image they have of the American electorate.

TOPICS: Education; Government
KEYWORDS: 2016swingstates; blackvote; bluestates; election; hispanicvote; minotires; trump
How Black & Brown Tore the Blue Wall Down
By J. Johnson

In what can only be called a ‘teachable moment’, I would like to take this opportunity to gloat. Not at the democrats, or the paid hoodlums terrorizing the streets as I write, but many of my fellow Americans in this blog space and others that constantly rant based on the false image they have of the American electorate.

A quick review: The background for this article goes back to one I wrote back on May 23,2016 entitled “In Search of the Black Vote”. Some of you may want to review this article, then come back here. Go ahead. I’ll wait.

Okay, good. If you reviewed that article, here’s a key quote:

"...peeling off 20% of the black vote can turn a blue state red..."

Pennsylvania. Michigan. Wisconsin (and probably Virginia). Think about it. We’ll drill down to details in a moment.

Here’s a statement from one of the commentators to that article which unfortunately speaks for more than a few of you:

“...For Africans, welfare, other handouts, affirmative action handouts, etc. trump all other considerations combined. Africans will still vote 90% plus for the rat [Democrat] party…”

Why do some of you believe this? Because the New York Times, the Associated Press, and all the pipe organs that echo their message keeps telling you that. And although you can’t believe anything they say past the sports section, some (too many) of you accept it as gospel.

On Nov 9, 2016, less that 6 hours after the polls closed, the AP gleefully reported that blacks voted 88% Democrat. Does anyone ever wonder how they come up with those numbers so fast?

As an American of African descent, I simply don’t believe that percentage. But back to that ‘blue firewall’ as they called it. It’s been a long, hard campaign, that seemed like it took years. But do you recall The Donald doing something that other Republicans did not do?

It’s something I’ve been screaming to the wind about since I have been an adult. He reached out to the black communities. Remember those awesome speeches (you loved) in places like Philadelphia (PA), Flint (MI), and Milwaukee(WI) ? Remember him visiting that black church in urban Detroit that was so disturbing to the enemy that they had to cut the video feel to the media pool?

Remember the key points: Immigration is hurting the black (and brown) communities; democrats have sold you out; what have you got to lose?

The Dems were playing with a worn out playbook while Trump had one goal in mind - win the electoral college. And those who’ve read Trump’s “The Art of the Deal” knows that he is the consummate closer when it comes to making the sale. How did he do, folks?

Trump attacked the Blue Firewall: that guaranteed block of urban voters who are ALWAYS taken for granted that they are voting democrat by both sides. He campaigned in these areas hard. It paid off, and the left-wing oligarchy know it. Hence the reason one pundit had to call it a “Whitelash”. They have to defuse the notion that anyone other than a white person voted for Trump, else that blue wall crumbles to sand pebbles when other Trump like Republicans get wise down the road.

Do you hear me, Republicans? Real Americans? Trump showed everyone how it’s done. Of course you’re not going to hear this analysis on CNN (why are you watching that channel anyway?) Take a look at your social media. Search around for minorities who supported and voted for Trump. You may be surprised how many there were. Does Diamond and Silk ring a bell? Had you noticed that the majority of black punditry on television and print were throwing props Trump’s way?

Or were you too busy writing off the black vote as a whole - just like the media and democrats expected?

So how about doing this little chocolate-cream-puff American a favor? Knock it off with the ‘gibsmedats’, the ‘Obama’s sons’, ‘they’re all just looking for handouts’, and all the other stupid stereotypes the media you can’t trust pumps into your head everyday. You can go look at the stats yourself: just enough urban DEMOCRATS votes went Trumps way to swing 3 keys states - probably more if not for voter fraud.

And to the state-sponsored media: You can take that 88% and shove it up your pre-election polls. On behalf of the Sistas and Brothas, Latinos and Latinas, and all who came here LEGALLY to escape tyranny: We are Americans first.

Deal with it.

1 posted on 11/12/2016 7:18:21 AM PST by jimjohn
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To: jimjohn


2 posted on 11/12/2016 7:22:00 AM PST by ConservativeMind ("Humane" = "Don't pen up pets or eat meat, but allow infanticides, abortion, and euthanasia.")
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To: jimjohn

Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, AMEN!!!!!!!!

3 posted on 11/12/2016 7:33:36 AM PST by chajin ("There is no other name under heaven given among people by which we must be saved." Acts 4:12)
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To: jimjohn

Amen! What you said x1000.

And it might not hurt for us here to dial back on the “Amish”, “do I even have to look”, etc. comments. The other side sees everything in terms of race, but we don’t have to. Maybe we should follow Thomas Sowell and make it about culture. Culture can change.

God bless you.

4 posted on 11/12/2016 7:42:16 AM PST by PlateOfShrimp
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To: jimjohn

“little chocolate-cream-puff American”? Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

I don’t know how little or chocolate (or cream-puff) you are, but you’re dead right about the AMERICAN part. That’s a very cogent analysis and a well-deserved gloat IMHO. As an American of European descent, I recognize that we are “brothers from different mothers” and I’m quite happy to know that I am on *your* team!

5 posted on 11/12/2016 7:47:12 AM PST by SonAboveAnItch
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To: jimjohn; ConservativeMind

Second #2!!

6 posted on 11/12/2016 7:51:48 AM PST by chesley (The right to protest is not the right to disrupt.)
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To: SonAboveAnItch

I said from the beginning that self-respecting blacks would not vote for Hillary.

7 posted on 11/12/2016 8:17:34 AM PST by abclily
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To: jimjohn
I agree. Trump is the first candidate of either party to sincerely ask for black votes. He treated their votes as something valuable, which also caused black voters to realize the same thing. They shouldn't just give their votes away.

The democrat party is a loose collection of groups that are not complementary. Sometimes they are even competing with each other. Yet the republicans don't exploit this. Trump, however, understands.

One of his promises is to encourage charter schools in inner cities. This is a good issue that is popular with black parents, but is opposed by other democrat groups like teacher unions. By delivering charter schools, Trump can peel away a good percentage of black voters. Trump has four years to drive wedges between democrat constituencies, and he seems to be willing to do that.

As for the gibsmedat comments, I agree. Lots of people complain about EBT and such programs and say they are against welgare. But the biggest welfare queens are the lilly white rich, with Hillary as their queen. EBT cards are penny ante.

8 posted on 11/12/2016 8:21:24 AM PST by Vince Ferrer
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To: jimjohn

Hold on Dude.

You are in the minority faction of the majority of the curent Black, Latino and Hispanic communities which have been propagandized and radicalized and abused into angry victim hood and fury at their so called White oppressers.

I have watched this change in American society develop for decades, even with my own flesh and blood.

We are NOT each other’s enemy, but to hear the MSM, the ruling elites and the majority of propagandized ethnics, we are enemies.

The elite want it that way. They make a living off of every riot or death or insult or sob story they can tell.

You need to busy yourself convincing the brothers and the amigos they are being had and they need to join hands with the similarly oppressed Whites to drain the Swamp of the controllers and gain back our human dignity and freedom and our brotherhood and sisterhood as Americans. And to do this peacefully within the confines of the Rule of Law.

9 posted on 11/12/2016 8:48:06 AM PST by amihow
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To: jimjohn

Hat tip to you, sir! Makes me feel proud to stand with you and I hope the blue wall crumbles forever.

10 posted on 11/12/2016 9:18:12 AM PST by patriotsoul
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To: amihow

Fellow Dude,

With all due respect, what in sam hell you think I’ve been doing for about the last quarter century? Heck, I’m only on speaking terms with siblings on birthdays and holidays!

But as stated, there’s more of us out here than people think. If you’re an Real American that believes in the Constitution, then you are NOT my enemy, either.

Put’er there, Dude [handshake]

11 posted on 11/12/2016 10:18:20 AM PST by jimjohn (This battle is over, but the war to rebuild the America has just begun.)
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To: jimjohn

I am sure you and I are not enemies. Handshake back. Nor am I an enemy of the “oppressed minorities” until they attack me or mine. Too many are on the march of the Marxists.

You are a better messenger than I.

Anyway, I am dudette.

12 posted on 11/12/2016 11:04:56 AM PST by amihow
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To: jimjohn

Great article...and I hope we’ll get more blacks back in the Republican Party.

13 posted on 11/12/2016 4:02:13 PM PST by Deplorable American1776 (Proud to be a DeplorableAmerican with a Deplorable Family...even the dog is DEPLORABLE :-))
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To: jimjohn
I have long been one of the most severe critics of traditional Black political behavior on this forum (mostly due to frustration), but I have never used the terms "Amish," "Do we really have to look," "gibsmedat," "Obama's sons," or anything like that. My primary area of concern isn't even about economics at all.

I have for decades been totally flummoxed at how Blacks can be traditional Fundamentalist Protestants on sunday morning and then not only constantly vote for fanatical atheists, homosexuals, and evolutionists in the voting booth but also remain absolutely silent as the the politicians they support spit all over G-d A-mighty; it's as if the issues don't even exist for them. Any community whose leadership is split between Fundamentalist ministers and Marxist "community leaders" simply is not healthy.

Blacks cannot possibly be ignorant at the attitude their liberal heroes have towards the religion they claim to profess. They cannot be unaware that the Left takes every opportunity to attack the very religious beliefs they supposedly hold to--but only among whites. They're not stupid. They hear "their" President promoting homosexuality even in the supposedly beloved "motherland" (and being humiliated for it by Robert Mugabe, whom I thought was supposed to be a hero of theirs). They voted twice for Obama, the most radical, anti-religious President we've ever had. It is simply not possible for them not to know what his positions are. But the mere fact that they knew that their churches would always be exempt from scathing secularist critique and ridicule was enough.

Black Lives Matter was founded by homosexual activists. There is not a single conventional Black politician or elected official who does not support the radical moral nihilist agenda from the top all the way to the bottom.

One reason white Fundamentalists are suffering right now is because they are being punished by G-d for a similar schizophrenia--"Adam and Eve" fundies one minute and "we can't intermarry with them because they are animals" the next. And this punishment is nowhere even remotely finished yet. I have no idea how long we are going to be punished. I only pray it will be soon. By turning against A-mighty G-d and His Laws the American Fundamentalist Black community is headed eventually for the exact same punishment. And just like the whites, they will have deserved it.

14 posted on 11/12/2016 5:14:02 PM PST by Zionist Conspirator (Sof davar hakol nishma`; 'et-ha'Eloqim yera' ve'et-mitzvotayv shemor, ki-zeh kol-ha'adam.)
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To: Zionist Conspirator

One big issue is Abortion. I organizid the October March For Life for a couple of years in the nineties and made a major effort to recruit the Negro churches. A good friend was/is a youth director at one of the two biggest ones and he put a good effort into the project.I spoke at several churches as did Philip. As it happened only Philip and half a dozen of his kids turned out. Abortion was the reason. He and I got a lot of praise for talking to them but almost unanimously they considered Abortion to be their main outlet. You see, as Philip said, there are almost no marriages and too many babies conceived.

15 posted on 06/09/2018 4:44:15 AM PDT by arthurus (oiu5)
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To: Zionist Conspirator

One big issue is Abortion. I organized the October March For Life for a couple of years in the nineties and made a major effort to recruit the Negro churches. A good friend was/is a youth director at one of the two biggest ones and he put a good effort into the project.I spoke at several churches as did Philip. As it happened only Philip and half a dozen of his kids turned out. Abortion was the reason. He and I got a lot of praise for talking to them but almost unanimously they considered Abortion to be their main outlet. You see, as Philip said, there are almost no marriages and too many babies conceived.

16 posted on 06/09/2018 4:44:30 AM PDT by arthurus (ro)
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