Every criminal in DC HAS to be punished or it is for nothing. The cockroaches will just hide for a brief period otherwise.
WOW! HOORAY Jacquerie
This is what I have been preaching since Trump got seriously into the race. The author here says it rather better than I have done. Some of the things he must do are to abolish the EPA and most of the other Agencies and unilaterally write off most of their regulations. That Article 5 Convention is a requirement, and it is no guarantee, just a chance that the country can get it right.
May a million subpoenas bloom!
...and we agree on every point but the need for Article 5 to be exercised. If Hillary wins, perish the thought, or perish the Republic, there won’t be an Article 5 and if Trump wins there won’t be any reason to have one, as the country will be so elated at having someone in charge who loves America, that there will be no interest in stirring that pot.