I am embarrassed for many of my Trump supporting friends. This thread shows exactly how much kool-aide many Trump supporters have drunk. Cruz does it..”bad, evil, GOPe insider”. Trump does it...”BRILLIANT! Cruz is still bad for doing it”. Somewhere, someplace in a very old book, there is a passage about this very thing.
That is a little bit disingenuous.
The fight is now down and dirty and Trump hired a guy who knows how to fight these battles. Trump does not and as much admits it.
Given this is a special skill set how exactly would he paly at this if he did not hire someone who was not an insider to this game?
The reason you may see trump guys push back on the narrative that this shows he is an insider is:
Cruz welcomes super PACs, Trump does not, having explicitly renounced any use of same.
Trump is paying for his primary fight, so he is beholden to no one, Cruz is increasingly beholden to the same folks he supposedly is against.
Trump’s endorsements are more outsider than Cruz’s: Sessions, Schaefhly , Palin they are more outsider than the Bush family, Graham and others who have come onboard the Cruz bus since the 15th of March.
Cruz was the one who started down this parliamentary path of seeking delegates, regardless of popular vote. Trump has no choice but to respond in like.
Trump supporters are just as embarrassed by the adoration Cruz supporters show for Cruz.