I have s singly serious question:
Why is it, when Trump announced he was campaigning for POTUS on the ^Republican^ (brand) ticket, no one from the GOPe stepped back and said -— wait a minute Donnie, you can’t do that with our brand?
Why has Reince Priebus continued to acknowledge that DJT is running as a Republican yet agitates against him and his campaign efforts?
“I have s singly serious question:”
You have two complex questions instead of one simple one.
First question from Cletus:
“Why is it, when Trump announced he was campaigning for POTUS on the ^Republican^ (brand) ticket, no one from the GOPe stepped back and said - wait a minute Donnie, you cant do that with our brand?”
Marktwain’s reply:
How do you know that what you suggest is even true? Quite a few commentators suggested that Trump was not a serious candidate.
Cletus’ 2nd Question:
Why has Reince Priebus continued to acknowledge that DJT is running as a Republican yet agitates against him and his campaign efforts?
Marktwain’s reply:
Because he does not want him to win the Republican nomination? Why else?
Reince Priebus does not control who can or cannot run as a Republican candidate. That is what he is agitated about.
Because 'RINSE Previous , then Rinse again', and his mentor , Karl Rove
didn't perceive of "The Donald" as a threat to their control of party POWER !
That is why they flooded the "also rans " in order to water the threat down from their favorite, "next-in-line" , Yeb !
They flooded the party too late to be realistic. They ran everyone ,except for Harold Stassen - P.S. - He's dead !
The problem is , they didn't count on the voters getting sick and tired of the UNI-Party lack of real leadership, and acceptance of their lack-luster pablum !
That is why , RINSE , repeat, and RINSE isn't working anymore than "Rove, the Retarded" isn't being swallowed anymore !!