Let me guess ... Michigan Radio is NPR, right?
A Detroit native, Jack originally intended to become a historian, but recognized that he wanted to become a journalist during his graduate studies at the University of Michigan.
Jack Lessenberry - Michigan Radio
The left believes every kid should have the social and cultural advantages of public schools. After all, that is what modern education is all about. Besides, what parent would want their kid to be the only one on the block who isn’t brainwashed with the leftist agenda? It isn’t fair. No one should have to learn how to think for themselves.
y'shut down the government indoctrination centers
If this was the answer, there never would have been charter schools in the first place. If they were willing or able to do this, it would have been done long ago.
The top performing High School in Colorado was a Charter school so I can see that they want to destroy the competition.
Two (of seven) of my grandkids have profited greatly because of chartered schools available to them in Michigan. I’ve monitored their progress over the years and it has been outstanding!
Cesar Chavez High School? Wonder who suggested that name? SMH
When it comes to charters within the Grand Rapids area, the charters that are run by the National Heritage Academies are very popular. My nephew went to one that is near my house.
These schools at the time the school day is done has lines of cars waiting at the school entrance to pick up their children. Sometimes the lines block traffic lanes, and turn lanes.
The only way to get into these school is by winning an auction in many cases.
I can just imagine what this asshole thinks of private Christian schools and homeschooling.
Jindal in Louisiana has championed charter schools as well as school vouchers. Obama and the public school unions have fought him tooth and nail. The post-Katrina charters in New Orleans have gotten some pretty good reviews.