Posted on 08/10/2015 5:38:27 AM PDT by NOBO2012
I see that Ferguson marked the anniversary of the murder of the Gentle Giant with another protest of sorts.
One speaker, Yonasda Lonewolf, declared: Mike Brown was murdered here. This was the epicenter of the movement of black lives matter. We still cannot get justice. She added, Its time for us to not seek justice but to demand justice.
So it appears that Big Guys job is indeed done here: he has fundamentally transformed America back to 1967.
Since our country continues to be besieged by both domestic and international thugs and terrorists it seems wise to acknowledge that we live in dangerous times and plan accordingly. To that end, I turn todays post over to MOTUS Chief Security Officer, Little Mo, to discuss situational awareness and self defense techniques. Take it away, Little Mo.
I am certain that everyone reading this is aware that on July 20, 2012, James Holmes violated Cinemark Theaters No Gun Fish-In-A-Barrel policy (a topic for another day) and opened fire in the crowded Aurora movie theater, killing 12 and wounding 70. I am also certain that everyone reading this article would agree that no one in that theater imagined that something like that could ever happen to them. Bad things happen to good people in safe places every day.
This post is a reminder to stay alert to the potential danger around you, especially in places where you feel safe. We dont want you to be paranoid, we want you to be prepared.
Lets get started.
The first tool of safety and self defense is situational awareness:
Situational awareness is simply knowing whats going on around you. It sounds easy in principle, but in reality requires much practice. And while it is taught to soldiers, law enforcement officers, and yes, government-trained assassins, its an important skill for civilians to learn as well. In a dangerous situation, being aware of a threat even seconds before everyone else can keep you and your loved ones safe. (Art of
Your situational awareness kicks in automatically if you walk down a dark alley, but shuts off when you are in a safe familiar place like the grocery store parking lot at noon and you are talking to the kids or texting on your cell phone. This video sent to MOTUS by Blonde Gator effectively demonstrates how to apply situational awareness to the everyday occurrence of returning to your car in a parking lot. The lesson begins at about the 2:30 mark:
Simple, easy techniques which everyone can use to improve your situational awareness and safety with alertness, time and distance. If you dont have one, a good self defense keychain is the Safety Cat,
introduced to the MOTUS family by NoellesBootcutKittenpants. NOTE: The current Safety Cat offer on Amazon is $5.00/Safety Cat with flat rate shipping of $3.99 no matter how many Safety Cats are ordered. MOTUS bought them for all her friends and family. NOTE 2: Dont take it with you to the airport.
This next video is an actual car jacking captured by a surveillance camera at a Detroit gas/convenience store.
The victim of this violent attack did everything right and lost nothing that cant be replaced. Even if you are armed and well trained (topics for future posts), your best defense option is often retreat to safety.
US Concealed Carry Association who produced the second video is an excellent resource for those who carry concealed weapons and those who are trying to decide whether of not to carry. Heres a link where you can sign up for US Concealed Carry Association Free Resources including a downloadable preview issue of its Concealed Carry Magazine, its weekly Concealed Carry Report and a 21 page Concealed Carry Guide . If you dont want to sign up with your email address, you can download the preview copy of Concealed Carry Magazine here and the Concealed Carry Guide in pdf format here. NOTE: while MOTUS and I belong to the Concealed Carry Association, we have no financial interest in it and receive no compensation from it.
And remember
H/T Sergeant Esterhaus
Posted from: Michelle Obamas Mirror
One speaker, Yonasda Lonewolf, declared: Mike Brown was murdered here. This was the epicenter of the movement of black lives matter. We still cannot get justice. She added, Its time for us to not seek justice but to demand justice.
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