In Roman times slaves were disciplined with the back of the right hand to the slave’s right cheek. In this way one wasn’t “soiled” by exposing the palm to the filthy slave. By “turning the other cheek” one was doing two things at once, one refusing to be dealt with as something other than a peer, and humiliating the bully challenging him to either deal with you as a peer and striking you with the palm or humiliating him into doing nothing. Win, win. The brilliance of Jesus. To think it is turned into some misguided “pajama boy” theology by dimwits.
Thank You.
Your explanation makes absolutely no sense in the context of the entire sentence Jesus is attributed to have spoken.
The full line is, “”Whoever hits you on the cheek, offer him the other also; and whoever takes away your coat, do not withhold your shirt from him either.”
The part about the cheek is mirrored in the part about the coat.
Jesus is saying do not retaliate. He is saying to be better than the person doing you damage. If Christ meant some dominating resistance as you claim, he would not have followed with the line of giving your coat thief your shirt as well.