The Left builds nothing. It only destroys.
There is an authoritarian demagogue in our future. At some point the law abiding will throw in the republican, free government towel and demand someone “do something.”
Isn't that the truth?!
The Left has taken over the Democrat party. And it has become a Marxist wreck that is antithetical to the nation it purports to lead.
The Left has assumed control of the mainstream media. And it has become an insidious propaganda tool that ignores truth and promotes lies.
The Left has taken charge of Education. And it has become a fever swamp of indoctrination that fails to educate.
The Left is attempting to take command over our culture. And it has dismissed assimilation, ignored American exceptionalism and polluted the American Dream with a cheap, sleazy, ambi-sexual search for immediate gratification.
Indeed, the Left destroys everything it touches.