To: Pollster1
A little boy puts on a cape and thinks he can fly.
Should we encourage him to jump off the roof?
11 posted on
06/05/2015 7:36:37 AM PDT by
(The difference between a Humanist and a Satanist - the latter admits whom he's working for)
To: MrB
Yes. If in his disturbed little mind, he’s Superman, who are we to stifle his dreams?
14 posted on
06/05/2015 7:38:00 AM PDT by
("Shall not be infringed" is unambiguous.)
To: MrB
When my son dressed up and thought he was superman, it didn’t make it so, though it did make him have to get stitches.
38 posted on
06/05/2015 9:47:00 AM PDT by
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