Posted on 05/29/2015 6:23:54 AM PDT by NOBO2012
There seems to be some controversy over whether Marie Harf is being promoted or unceremoniously kicked up stairs. Butt lets be honest; not only is Spokes-mouth Barbie not the sharpest knife in the drawer, she makes the butter knife look like a lethal weapon:
Harf is a dim bulb and the complete authorized version of the doctrine according to Barry shines none too brightly to begin with. Reduced to talking points and subject to questions, the doctrine is quickly reduced to parody. Thus Marie Harf. PowerlineThus the promotion to Senior Advisor for Strategic Communications to Secretary of State John Kerry where she will be able to focus on negotiations between the U.S. and Iran regarding nuclear weapons.
Posted from: Michelle Obamas Mirror
Harf: a smirking piece of liberal filth mouthing the words her masters give her.
Oops, I Harfed up my lunch.
I just know you are Harfing those statistics on Globull Warming.
Don’t Harf to me.....I can see right through you.
There are lots of ways to accurately use ‘Harf’ as a noun/verb/adjective/adverb.
Good usage examples and the article is a very hot steaming bowl of snark, too! I hope Ted Cruz is watching and taking good notes as the political season continues to heat up for next year’s main event.
When I see Marie Harf, it makes me wonder how clueless young girls have important jobs in our government. How the heck hires such people in the first place?
And it makes me look forward to a future administration, in which adults will be charge again.
A position where Ms. Harf may actually outshine her boss -- but it's a low barrier.
"A" people hire "A" people. "B" people hire "C" or "D" people. John "F" Kerry definitely has another "F" in Marie Harf.
send the harf to nuance ISIS
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