1 posted on
03/05/2015 8:10:57 AM PST by
To: NOBO2012
Franz Kafka would have loved this.
2 posted on
03/05/2015 8:18:36 AM PST by
(Barack Obama makes Neville Chamberlin look like George Patton.)
To: NOBO2012
engaging in unapproved dangerous behavior
engaging in government approved behavior
3 posted on
03/05/2015 8:24:32 AM PST by
(Did you ever notice that atheists don't dare sue Muslims?)
To: NOBO2012
Dangerous behavior? You mean like:
Riding a motorcycle without a helmet?
Homosexual activities?
Criticizing Barry Soetoro or Hildabeast?
Eating bacon?
Speaking the truth about islam?
4 posted on
03/05/2015 8:25:12 AM PST by
(Do you know who Barry Soetoro is?)
To: NOBO2012
They’d really hate my family. We let the kids go get the parcels from the parcel drop off at our gate and that’s two miles from the house.
Of course, we don’t live in a nanny state like Maryland so the kids are perfectly safe.
5 posted on
03/05/2015 8:48:37 AM PST by
(You can ignore reality, but reality won't ignore you.)
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