Thank you. She has some possibilities, but I think she thought she’d be hired quickly. She worked for this firm for more than 15 years and doesn’t realize the employment situation has changed. It’s not as easy as it once was.
Her resume-writing skills are probably sorely out of date. She needs to look at her resume like a website trying to get hits, with keywords. That’s the way HR departments scan through the mass of resumes they receive to cull them down enough to look at them individually. Sounds sort of silly and perhaps it is, but you’ve got to get over that first hurdle to even get that initial phone interview these days. If it’s beyond her, start researching resume writing services. Shouldn’t be more than a couple hundred dollars at most, including a LinkedIn profile. She’ll need one of those too, and start linking up with people in her industry, even former coworkers.
There was a time in Des Moines when you could go on lunch break and have another job by that afternoon. That world is gone.