I confess that I hear all this talk of this or that person throwing their hat in the ring for the republican nomination, but regarding democrats, all I hear is “Hillary”.
What puzzles me is that she has no accomplishments, is a terrible candidate, and has no chance of winning short of massive and unprecedented voter fraud.
So what gives?
Sounds familiar ...
Where have I heard this before?
No accomplishments? Terrible Candidate? No chance of winning?
Barack Hussein Soetoro Odinga 0bama?
They’re banking on two things, both of which rely on low-info/stupid voters:
(1) “hey! Remember the 90s?”; and,
(pardon me for being so crude here, but it’s true)
(2) “look! She has a vagina! Woooooow!”
Hillary has the potential to win without voter fraud. She may not have many accomplishments but she’s a woman and the media will trump the “historic” nature of a Hillary Clinton victory. If there’s one thing people seem to want more than anything else is to be “apart of history.”