Posted on 12/11/2014 9:57:30 AM PST by Sean_Anthony
We have now had 13 years without another terrorist attack on United States soil. Do you think the end justified the means?
Can anyone NOT remember where they were or what they were doing on September 11, 2001, the day the two planes hit the twin towers in New York? Will we ever be able to forget the images of innocent civilians jumping hundreds of floors to their death to avoid being consumed by flames?
Who could imagine that when 125 people left their homes for work at the Pentagon that they would never return home to their families? What about the passengers who rushed the hijackers in the cockpit of flight 93 knowing they would lose their lives in order to prevent another purposeful attack on United States soil? On September 11, 2001, 3000 innocent people lost their lives due to terrorist attacks.
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Would you torture him to find out where?? You bet!!!
There have been numerous small attacks over the years, but nothing on the same scale as 9/11 yet. Yes, I would say that ends do justify the means to great degree. Better that the enemy does not always know exactly what to expect from Amercians if they are captured. Better that there is some sense of dread or forboding.
That this report was created to fit a narrative is shameful itself but, that it saw the light of day is outrageous.
“We have now had 13 years without another terrorist attack on United States soil.”
Completely false. Boston anyone? Benghazi? Oh right, Obama can’t be blamed for failing to protect America.
I would have to inform that someone that no matter how events played out,he or she was going to die that day.The time and manner of their death was up to them. Also ,their level of co-operation would determine how many of their family members I would kill.
Stupid question. 9/11 happened. America and Americans’ did what was then perceived to be ok. Hindsight may be 20/20, but not always and may even, at times, be wrong.
We have had several Muslim attacks since 9/11, just not as spectacular. Soon after we elect a Republican President in 2016 that will change.
If you blame Obama for Boston, you might as well blame Bush for the WTC. Neither conclusion makes sense to me.
When you have people willing to die in order to kill, good luck preventing everything.
13 years later it is pretty easy to sit back and say we shouldn’t have done what we did.
However, roll the clock back and remember what was going on back then and it becomes much murkier. On and after Sept 11th nobody knew when the next shoe would drop. Would there be another massive attack ? Would there be a car bomb outside the mall ? A suitcase nuke in Times Square ? An anthrax attack in the subway ?
Remember the terror, disruption and massive police response the Washington snipers caused ?
What made the situation even more desperate was that we were trying to stop potential terror attacks against CIVILIAN targets....non-combatants.
It takes no guts to stand up now and say we were wrong..after all later terror attacks were very limited. I wonder however if the same sanctimonious finger pointers would be condemning harsh interrogations if we had suffered additional serious attacks and hundreds or thousands of additional civilian casualties.
Keep in mind that the trash we’re fighting routinely torture anyone they come across — women, children, civilians, enemy combatants, pets ... They have ZERO high ground from which to throw stones.
As to the argument that resorting to torture demeans us, how much more does it demean us to willingly expose our civilization to these butchers when it is within our power to stop them?
We didn’t start this war, but now that we’re in it, let’s prosecute it with all the vigor at our disposal, and leave our enemies no comfort but their tears.
Are you liberal? Or are you being sarcastic???
Fort Hood. And that murderer actually rubbed shoulders with another enemy islamist in ø.
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