Well put. Progressives are incapable of admitting they harbor any evil. As atheists they not only reject good/evil they also have no means of overcoming evil.
Their solution to problems is to obfuscate. Gun control is a perfect example of diverting attention from the problem.
Liberals cannot accept personal responsibility for their shortcomings. They must deflect blame to an outside agent. They are never held accountable because their actions are always the fault of someone or something outside their influence. They therefor require more and more control to resolve their issues.
Putting more guns in the hands of more people reduces gun crime. When a thug is likely to attack a victim capable of adequate self defense he is more circumspect in his criminal activities. This is precisely the reason violent crime is rampant in communities that prohibit adequate self defense.
The malignancy of progressive attitudes is the greatest evil besetting our nation.
There was no surprise, once I lost the “scales” from my eyes, that the basic assumptions of liberalism line up so perfectly with the lies told by Satan in Genesis 3:4-5.