Several years ago I had a daughter-in-law that would call us and announce she was pregnant on Aprils Fools Day. The second year she tried it we were ready. I had her mothet act like she was complaining of a heart attack after hearing the news and I had one of those pocket sound effect generators that had pretty realistic sounding ambulance sirens iver the phone. My wife was great. She made it sound so real and I acted like I was talking to he ambulance driver and everything and even had a scanner on to make it sound like real chatter going on in the background and told my daughter-in-law that I had to go because I had to ride in the ambulance with her mom to the hospital and even told her which hopital i was taking her too. We were snickering so much it sounded like pig farm after I got off the phone with her. She texted us back and gorth and even said she was aout to go to the hodpital when I texted, “April Fools!”
She has never pulled the “I’m pregnant!” since....: )
That’s a beauty.
Several years ago I had a daughter-in-law that would call us and announce she was pregnant on Aprils Fools Day. The second year she tried it we were ready. I had her mothet act like she was complaining of a heart attack after hearing the news and I had one of those pocket sound effect generators that had pretty realistic sounding ambulance sirens over the phone. My wife was great. She made it sound so real and I acted like I was talking to he ambulance driver and everything and even had a scanner on to make it sound like real chatter going on in the background and told my daughter-in-law that I had to go because I had to ride in the ambulance with her mom to the hospital and even told her which hospital i was taking her too. We were snickering so much it sounded like a pig farm after I got off the phone with her. She texted us back and forth and even said she was about to go to the hospital when I texted, April Fools!
She has never pulled the Im pregnant! since....: )