i do understand them. they are illogical. they hold double-standards but think they don’t. they want equal treatment until they don’t, when it’s not beneficial for them. if anyone is wrong, it’s never them. the closer the relationship they have with you, the less they value your opinion/advice. they keep your shortcomings in a mental holster ready to whip out if you wind up saying something that rubs them the wrong way. you will eventually say something that rubs them the wrong way and you won’t know it until they conversationally ambush you. you can’t be unguardedly honest and relaxed talking to them or you will eventually say something they don’t like.
Damn, bro. I was only kinda halfway joking.
When you get into a relationship with a woman who really fits you, you’ll find plenty of room to make light of the differences between men and women’s thinking.
It really ain’t all that serious.