If he was such a tyrant, why did he risk his neck as a revolutionary war soldier? Why didn't he fight for the British? Hamilton came up with the idea of The Federalist and almost ruined his health in the process.
You're pretty good with cut and paste. Try some analysis.
Rather than spam threads, there are things called links:
Journal of the Federal Convention June 18th 1787 (Hamilton Speech)
Hey wiseguy, funded debt isn't fiat currency.
Through Congress, Secretary Hamilton squared away the hopeless finances and debts incurred by the states and the nation during the war. A largely subsistence agricultural economy was transformed, and in less than a hundred years, the US was a second tier industrial powerhouse.
Rather than piss on his memory, every American should be thankful for the warrior, framer, and first SecTreas Alexander Hamilton.
“Besides you, who else called his sketch the “British Plan?””
Are you really THAT ignorant? Good ole public school edumakashun.