Posted on 12/26/2013 10:13:38 AM PST by NOBO2012
Well, did you have the talk with any of your young invincible pajama-wearing, perpetually adolescent relatives this Christmas - as directed by Big Guy?
MOTUS did, as her family has over two dozen 20-30 somethings. This is what I learned.
As with youngsters of all eras, their ideology does not hold up well under the crushing realities of day-to-day life and economics. Those who have graduated from college in the 5 years subsequent to the coronation of Americas first Black President dont give a rats ass what color he is anymore. Been there, done that; what has he done for me lately?
Where khakis, bring notes, talk about Obama.
For the batch of young invincibles who havent yet found a job earning what they think theyre worth, with benefits they find acceptable, Big Guy is now indistinguishable from any other politician such as, say, George W. Bush who they know they hate, butt have forgotten why.
While most do not follow politics beyond whats covered on the Daily Show, they are all familiar with Obamacare, because it effects them personally. (note to self: good marketing technique for the yutes of America - make it all about them)
One nephew was happy because hes still eligible for coverage under Mom and Dads policy for another 2 years.
And no more sub-par health insurance for him! (Dont forget to thank Mom and Dad! Their premiums will be going up astronomically to ensure that your coverage now includes all Obamacare mandated items such as free condoms and other related womyms healthcare like day after pills that the mean old Republicans wanted to deny you for free.)
Another nephew, who is working a part time job because thats all he could find with his language arts degree, was delighted to discover that after his cheapy, catastrophic only BC/BS policy was cancelled that he could get better coverage (free condoms!) at a lower cost because he was eligible for a subsidy! (Youre welcome, nephew. Please remember my contribution to your well being when Im old and eligible only for the pain pill.) He also informed me that lots of his friends have heard that they are going to be eligible for Medicaid (great) butt havent bothered to sign up yet because its too big a hassle.
Dude, weve got better things to do.
One of the nieces concurs, she cannot be bothered to try to get enrolled in Obamacare either, even though she has no coverage. Shes already had a rough year, really doesnt need any more hassle right now and doubts that she needs healthcare coverage now anyway. Plus, she refuses to let it ruin her life by worrying about it. Thats somebody elses job. Besides, shes still got the basic 30-somethings fall back healthcare system: Mom and Dad.
self-reliance: it aint what it used to be
For the few of the bunch who have found decent employment in their field (the ones who chose to major in a marketable discipline) the reality of contributing a rather substantial portion of their paycheck for the welfare of their (previous) peers who were neither as wise nor as motivated while in college is beginning to rankle. So maybe theres reason for optimism. It turns out the kids, once they figure it out, dont like getting screwed by the government any better than the oldsters. As evidence of this hypothesis, I submit this pretty much verbatim dialogue with one of my niece-mirrors yesterday:
MOTUS: So hows your new job as athletic trainer going, Meghan?
MEGHAN: Fine, I like it, and the coaches, a lot. And I love my apartment and most of my roommates.
MOTUS: Oh, how many roommates do you have?
MEGHAN: Three, thats what we needed to rent a decent place. And three of us are good, but everyones a little ticked off at Erin right now.
MOTUS: Whats the problem?
MEGHAN: Well, she just signed up for food stamps, and were all like WHAT!? Shes got a crappy part time job, butt were like why dont you just get another part-time job? and shes like, I need some me time. Some ME TIME!?! The rest of us are humping our asses and she just goes in and gets free food stamps! We just couldnt believe it.
MOTUS: Just curious, what did she major in? (again, on my honor, Im not making this up. You cant)
MEGHAN: Womyns Studies, like anybody thought shed get a job with that. Anyway, she was so proud of getting the food stamps and cant understand why were all upset. Butt thats not the worst part, Aunt MOTUS.
MOTUS: Whats the worst part?
MEGHAN: She wanted us to pay HER for the food she bought with the food stamps! We told her, we already have Erin.
I immediately commended her mother for raising such a well-grounded young woman. And you see, maybe there is real hope for the future. Its like that movie: Reality Bites. And real reality bites even harder. If only we could get our economy rolling again so that all the young, brainwashed masses can get a real job in the real world; perhaps then they will finally understand that there are two sides to the make it fair equation.
Or at least we, like Einstein, can dream.
I know: Im sorry is inadequate. Im really, really sorry. (h/t Blonde Gator)
Posted from: Michelle Obamas Mirror
Hey Pajama boy....your buddies are looking for you.
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