What link was that?
Very good question.
The only link I see that carries the information in question is the one posted by you at 152. The only link I find that Star Traveler posted referred to the August JR post which did not contain the voting information. Also noted is the fact that S.T. claimed he posted the link "immediately" after receiving it, but he did not and has not done so.
As of around 0300 this date the WikiP.D.A. information had not been corrected so IF S.T. possessed that information he neither posted it on this forum or corrected the WikiP.D.A. misinformation "immediately".. You posted your link at 0637 this date and we see on WikiP.D.A. that the article in question was modified at 1101 today. ("This page was last modified on 26 December 2013 at 11:01.")
Also noted is that S.T. posted here at 1051 that someone had already changed the WikiP.D.A. article implying his knowledge of an event even before WikiP.D.A. acknowledges the edit. Of course that could be a strange coincidence - S.T. may possess some prophetic gift - or - just maybe the mysterious 'someone' that S.T. continues to refer to is himself (which could - note I said 'could' not 'does' - logically lead to other deductions, such as that just possibly S.T. is a TBLer...) It seems that you had to do the reference work, and that S.T. is now claiming ownership.
Seems sort of like playing chess with a pigeon...
Thanks Ansel12, for your work.