Posted on 11/29/2013 8:40:02 AM PST by NOBO2012
If youre looking for a racist holiday to protest (and who isnt?), I cant think of one that fits the bill better than Thanksgiving. So given its roots in the mass murder, forced relocation, theft of land and other injustices to Native Americans, I suppose we shouldnt be surprised that the holiday, with very little notice has seamlessly transformed itself into Gray Thursday before sliding headfirst into Black Friday.
Accordingly, the doors of commerce were flung wide open a day earlier this year to welcome the manic shoppers who wished to get a jump on the next secular holiday, formerly known as Christmas: the day a sleigh and eight tiny reindeer appeared to bring joy to the world.
So dont worry, these people arent homeless. Theyre just camped out, waiting for the doors of Macy, J.C Penny, Walmart, Best Buy, etc. to officially kick off the season of what? Ive forgotten. Well, never mind, it doesnt matter, as long as you get out there or online and buy buy buy!
Not homeless, just waiting for the Best Buys
As you know, the Wons, Along with the Wee Wons and the Old Won participated in our annual photo op at the Big Box Food Bank the day before Thanksgiving,
Yeah, give me a wide-angle shot on camera B
handing out food to the few people left in Washington D.C. who are not either working for the federal government or currently the beneficiaries of our SNAP program. Which,as David Plouffe reminded us in his Thanksgiving email message, is actually part of our economic recovery program:
And in keeping with our new Thanksgiving tradition of using the holiday for propaganda messaging purposes, his email was accompanied by this stark reminder of exactly who the enemy is:
So heres your economics lesson for today:
The economy is a zero sum game, if you get a bigger piece of pie, somebody else has to get a smaller piece. Butt the Federal Governments Budget (and I use the term loosely) is not a zero sum game. Which is to say, government spending can grow at an unbridled rate without forcing cutbacks elsewhere, butt only if we spread more of Joe the Plumbers wealth around.
I know, I know: Butt MOTUS, were more interested in the pies served at the Big White Thanksgiving dinner than the economic pie. Okay, here you go: this year we had 9 thats right, NINE kinds of pie to choose from! Huckleberry Pie, Pecan Pie, Chocolate Cream Pie, Sweet Potato Pie, Peach Pie, Apple Pie, Pumpkin Pie, Banana Cream Pie, and Coconut Cream Pie.
The chocolate cream, coconut cream, peach and pecan were all new this year, and a previous standard, cherry, was dropped from the lineup. Possibly because of its association with George Washington or Twin Peaks.
My book says theres nothing honest about the black cat.
Which one of the Wons is wearing their real feelings in this photo op?
Anyway, sorry to intrude on your Black Friday shopping extravaganza with todays economic lesson. I just dont want anyone going out there and spending money they dont have, will have to borrow and wont ever be able to pay back.
Todays holiday message, which is part of our new federal holiday tradition, was brought to you, in part, by Propaganda R Us.
Posted from: Michelle Obamas Mirror
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