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Ever Wonder What Happened to Turbo-Tax Tim Geitner???: Got Cronies?
Michelle Obama's Mirror ^ | 11-16-2013 | MOTUS

Posted on 11/16/2013 9:26:51 AM PST by NOBO2012

Let's take a break from Obamacare, shall we?

Here’s big news: Turbo-Tax Timmy is definitely NOT going to replace the Bernanke as Chairman of the Federal Reserve.

tim-geithner-ben-monkey see monkey do dojpgMy that was good! I wonder what the private sector has to offer?

He wanted to make some real money, so instead of just picking up another federal pension he’s going to go to work for Warburg Pincus LLC starting next spring!

Right after the release of the book he’s been working on, “How I Saved Wall Street the Whole World from Financial Collapse with Your Tax Dollars.”


Butt wait: Warburg Pincus? Aren’t they one of those, uh…


job killing vulture capitalist companies? You know, like the “Mitt-Romney-killed-my wife-and-gave-her-cancerkind of venture capitalist?

"When Mitt Romney and Bain closed the plant, I lost my healthcare, and my family lost their healthcare.  And, a short time after that, my wife became ill. I don't know how long she was sick and I think maybe she didn't say anything because she knew that we couldn't afford the insurance. And then one day she became ill and I took her up to the Jackson County Hospital and admitted her for pneumonia and that's when they found the cancer and by then it was stage four…she passed away in 22 days. I do not think Mitt Romney realizes what he's done to anyone, and furthermore I do not think Mitt Romney is concerned."

Well yes, yes it is. And it sounds like just about the right kind of job for somebody who goes by the name “Toxic Timmy.”

turbotax timGosh! This math is hard.

I just hope he knows what he’s getting into, because he’s going to be the guy in charge:

At Warburg, he will serve as president and managing director, not the kind of figurehead or advisory positions that public-sector figures often land after government stints.

Because unlike the public sector, where Timmy has spent his career, in the private sector when “mistakes are made”  the buck stops at the desk of the guy in charge, not some nameless underling.

Obama_Iraq_speech,_8_31_10_ with very clean desk__1Of course if nobody ever tells you anything, how can you accept the blame?

So if future audits reveal problems with Warburg’s information system, accounting, or tax returns, Timmy won’t be able to blame Turbotax ® and still pass “GO” to collect his big bonus.

turbotax_logo_featureTo get the biggest refund, just override all those pesky “error” messages

So welcome to Wall Street, Timmy,

wall street.3jpg

Where greed is still good,


…as long as you have the right (which is to say, left) ideology.


Where money Never Sleeps,

solyndra crony capIt just passes from your hand to government’s to crony capitalists’

And people with bad teeth never make it to the sequel.


Screenshot Studio capture #1484No matter how much tiger blood they have

So here’s my advice for Timmy, on how to make it big on Wall Street: get those rodent teeth of yours capped.

Screenshot Studio capture #1483

Because you can be greedy, as long as you don’t look greedy.

chip2Got Peanuts?

Today’s Public Service Announcement was paid for by: CGI, Government contractor to and friend of Michelle’s

healthcare .gov reallyGot Cronies?

Posted from: Michelle Obama’s Mirror 

TOPICS: Humor; Politics
KEYWORDS: bernake; geitner; obama; turbotax

1 posted on 11/16/2013 9:26:51 AM PST by NOBO2012
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To: NOBO2012

Warburg Pincus LLC better bone up on the chapter eleven law.

2 posted on 11/16/2013 10:26:51 AM PST by Vaduz
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To: NOBO2012

Mr Geithner is now going to feed at the Wall Street pig trough, the only reason he went into government employment in the first place.

3 posted on 11/16/2013 11:59:30 AM PST by Cyman (We have to pass it to see what's in it= definition of stool sample)
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To: Cyman

I have tried to do business with Warbug. They are a building full of schmuck criminals controlled by Soros and the IFC. All they do is steal from their clients and portfolio companies.

4 posted on 11/16/2013 12:26:15 PM PST by FlyingEagle
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To: NOBO2012

I like Michelle’s Mirror. It never fails to make me laugh. I like to read the article just to see how ‘she’ misuses and misspells the word BUTT. This Michelle will boldly start her sentences with the word BUTT, see for yourself! That creative word use would have driven the nuns in my grade school absolutely batty!

5 posted on 11/16/2013 3:44:12 PM PST by lee martell
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