The perp:
Sophia Body
I saw one time when I was in Chicago, a car run a family of five off the road, almost killing the young children inside. It started out where the car began flashing its high beams to get it to speed up or get out of the way. The car was going five miles over the speed limit already. When the car did not respond, the car came up along side of it, and bashed into it forcing it off the road and into a deep ditch.
The people in Chicago are crazy. i would never live there.
Same type of trash, when its attempts to flag down help is met with a suspicious, wide berth and a speeding away, begins hurling road detritous at the refusing-to-be-Samaritans-in-their-own-best-interest. Only confirming the validity of the by-passer’s decision, of course.
Poor old fella, may he heal & return safely to his loved ones.
No mention of victim’s race.
If Obama had a sister......
One of Eric Holder’s people who isn’t civilized enough to live in society. If this is how she treats a Good Samaritan, I’d hate to see her on a bad day.
Hint: If your elderly parent doesn’t want to leave their home in a “changing neighborhood,” show them this story. These monsters have no morals and will kill them for the $5 bill in their wallet.
This is what happens when somebody tries to help Holder’s people.
I’m willing to bet she’s on welfare.
Did she steal anything from him?
Her car she got from EBT Motors?
Before hurricane Katrina, and not knowing anything about New Orleans, I got lost and wheeled into a “gated” entrance, parked my car, got out, and approached a middle-aged black lady standing at a door. Before I could open my mouth, she said: “Sir, get back in your car and leave before you get hurt.” I later found out, due to the reputation of the place, that she had saved my life.
surprise, surprise
No good deed goes unpunished.
Just another example of, coonery
Acting in such a manner as to perpetuate black stereotypes in society such as music videos solely about cars, money and women.
P Diddy, Soulja Boy, Most of hip-hop in general, Flava Flav...all examples of coonery
Not all two-legged animals are male.
Former president Jimmy Carter has called for a new moratorium on the death penalty, arguing that it is applied so inconsistently in the 32 states that still practice it that it constitutes unconstitutional cruel and unusual punishment. Do you support or oppose the death penalty?
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