But will the officers under these commanders follow orders?
Are there foreign troops already here? There are reports of troops here training in our national parks. rangers have reported this.
As a matter of fact have you ever played paintball? I have fought Russians that fought like well trained troops.
That's the GO-ZILLION dollar question as Forest Gump would say. Here is a sad reference question that will allow you to figure it out for yourselves:
How many of these soldiers and officers are products of the public schools? What does the curriculum of these schools say almost univsersally about true freedom, responsibility, small government and the right to keep and bear arms? There you go.
I think the only hope we have is in the current and retired as well as former special operations guys that have gotten out since Vietnam.
Can't even depend on Rambo to come to the rescue. In fact Sly Stallone is such an antigun fanatic I refuse to see any of his slop and that goes twice for AHNOLD THE GOVERNATOR!