Those governments are really not what we call conservative but socialist. There was a posting in FR’s that Hungary either attempted or did the same thing as well as the Czech republic. The reason we’re hearing about it there are a lot more Americans of Polish extraction than there are of these smaller countries.
You betcha Obama’s looking at those 401 Ks and other types of retirement savings to tap into that cash flow. It follows the axiom If It’s Free From the Governmnet Nobody pays for it...RIGHT
Physical gold and silver? Why would anyone want to invest in that?
and what’s Poland going to do in a few years when it wants more cash? You can bet they won’t find much in those private accounts. As a matter of fact I expect a buying spree of hard assets that can be hoarded.
Twenty trillion dollars? Somebody's goin' on vacation!!
A real SitRep. First 22 minutes. Good Stuff.
Free your community. Free America
BUY American made products.
I formally nominate this as the reply of the day.