Posted on 06/26/2013 5:15:23 PM PDT by Noremac
Just as every cop is a criminal
And all the sinners saints
As heads is tails just call me Lucifer (cause) Im in need of some restraint
Ive always found Sympathy For the Devil, by Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, to be one of the most profound social statements of the classic rock music era. It was a natural for the Stones, what with their rebel, bad boy image and all the baggage to go with it. Who better to channel the artist formerly known as the Prince of Darkness? Granted, there was poetic license in setting to music, the distorted worldview of Satan and his antagonistic posture toward his subjects in the arrogant role of god of this world.
But it fits him like a glove, because after all he spins when necessary as in his counseling session with Eve in the garden and can lie with the best of them, because he is the father of lies. But hes a triple threat because he can twist the truth into a pretzel when the occasion calls for it. If you are the Son of God, he asks Jesus, throw yourself down. For it is written:
He will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. Matthew 4:6
There is something else though, in these lyrics of Sympathy that resonates in our present era. The personage that is the songs antagonist instructs his followers to, use all your well earned politesse, or Ill lay your soul to waste. No ambiguity there it is the mission statement of our political class. Look, our public servants had to learn all this somewhere.
Ive been writing about and challenging the narrative of the rogues gallery on Capitol Hill and the White House and an immutable pattern begins to stand out in relief. Were being told by the policy makers that common sense, facts and practical approaches to national defense, economics, immigration and just about any other category within the purview of government, are misbegotten and dangerously naive. Forget everything you know its all wrong.
Take for example, the report I posted yesterday on the LGBT Pride Month being promoted by the Pentagon. Somehow we got through a Revolution, a second war against Mother England, a Civil War, the Spanish American War, two World Wars, a police action in Korea, the Vietnam conflict and more recently the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, without putting our stamp of approval on and authorizing homosexual behavior in the U.S. Military. How did we manage that? Now, the current leadership at the Pentagon is telling us that we would have been more successful if we had opened up service options for the Lavender Camo bunch years ago. Why didnt I think of that?
Because we repealed dont ask, dont tell, our military is stronger and our country is safer, more equal and more just, said Valerie Jarrett, the keynote speaker at the Pentagons gay pride celebration.
This is amazing stuff. No explanation is provided to substantiate the notion that our military is stronger and our country is safer, now that a handful of limp wrists and butches are donning the uniform. But thats typical of the Left and Washington elites. First of all, they have the conviction and certainty that their views and policies are correct and therefore it is not necessary to justify them with a factual rationale. You must accept their word on it with blind allegiance. Ours not to reason why, ours is but to do and die.
Not to be outdone, was Chuck Hagel, Obamas newly appointed Secretary of Defense:
Were very proud of everything the gay and lesbian community have contributed and continue to contribute, Mr. Hagel said. With their service, we are moving closer to fulfilling the countrys founding vision that all of us are created equal.
At the risk of being thought unsophisticated and even a bit Neanderthal, could somebody please dial me in on when the U.S. militarys purpose and charter shifted from killing people and breaking things to interior design and advising straight men on fashion intel?
Oh My God, youre going out on patrol wearing that shirt? I dont think so! No, honey, those pants just dont work for you. Black socks? Are you trying to just give me a heart attack?
I guess we should have seen this headed our way when our soldiers in Iraq, where instead of the singular pursuit of the decimation of AlQueda and other insurgents they were detailed to direct traffic and organize the collection and disposal of trash in Baghdad and Basra. If this is the best way to strengthen the military and make us more safe, perhaps we ought to consider limiting our recruitment efforts to San Francisco, Greenwich Village and the Hillcrest District in San Diego.
I kind of excuse Valerie Jarrett to some degree, as she has never served in the military, but instead, is a life long soldier in the ranks of Saul Alinskys anti-American shock troops. A true believer. But Hagel and McCain? Hagel, an infantry squad leader and recipient of two Purple Hearts commendations? What has happened to these mens minds? My only explanation is Washington D.C. Its a place where principals, ethics, good judgment, common sense and decency go to die and die hard.
Black is White, up is down, stagnation is recovery, 2 plus 2 may actually be 5 for all we know.
This is but one example. Then we are told that flooding the United States with millions of illiterate, non or low skilled impoverished migrants, will not only rejuvenate the economy but create prosperity. On this planet? Really? Well, then what are we waiting for? Come on were burning daylight here! Bring in the entire population of Mexico and Central America and lets use our transportation assets to import millions of the same from China! I mean if it is such a wonderful idea with such prospects of success, lets not shilly-shally around here!
We need foreign workers any way we can get them Lindsey Graham thinks so, anyway. He once stated that illegal aliens were needed to provide cheap labor for golf courses. Heaven forbid, our Golf courses (have you priced Green fees lately?), should have to pay decent wages for facilities workers! After all, everyone knows Golf is a poor mans sport right?
To those of you who think that the collection of your personal information and the monitoring of your activities, constitutes the abrogation of your expectation that the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated your thinking is wrong headed. The Obama Administrations apologists will reassure you that its for your own good. Were protecting you against terrorists.
Who is protecting me against you?
To cover the entire gamut of the honey, who do you believe me, or your lying eyes? narratives from the political class of both organized crime, er political parties in D.C., I would have to write a book. But for now Ill provide you with one more notable example of how theyre peeing on our legs and telling us that its raining. Its the meme that bigger government and more spending, will restore the economy. Its not too terribly dissimilar to the open borders = national wealth increase.
The premise is pretty simple and straightforward. Dont cut spending and taxes in a depressed economy if you want the economy to recover increase them. Congress, the White House, the Treasury Department, the recipients of the Wall Street bailouts and the Federal Reserve, all believe it. The investors in the stock market believe it until they dont.
So, the smart people, the intelligentsia are appealing to us to call off our old tired ethics and outmoded concepts of how the world works and trade them in for the wisdom of the brave new Utopians of Oceania. Where did I hear all of this brilliance before? War is Peace, Ignorance is Strength, Freedom Is Slavery. Was it on Airstrip One?
Im trying very hard to accommodate my accustomed patterns and modes of logic, reasoning, questioning authority, independence, traditional morality and all those other archaic values that anchor me to the moorings of Western Civilization, to the new paradigms of the Political Class but its just no use.
Im just a malcontent, I guess. If accepting the tenets of the Brave New World Order is the price of salvation I suppose Ill have to quote Mick Jagger once again. Ill never be your beast of burden and youll never, never, never, never, never make a Saint of me.
I think Mick Jagger is preferable to our political overlords. At least he is honest about it.
The political class, the communist democrats and limp wrist rinos, are the worst and most dangerous enemies of America and the liberties we have under God in Christ Jesus, our Lord and Saviour.
Past time for a purge of the political class...
“I rode a tank, held a General’s rank, when the Blitzkrieg raged, and the bodies stank.”
Saddle up, boys.
History is fixing to repeat.
I watched with glee while your kings and queens
Fought for ten decades for the gods they made...
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