Posted on 06/04/2013 1:09:33 PM PDT by Seizethecarp
On June 1, 2013 Joe Arpaio's Cold Case Posse lead investigator, Mike Zullo, revealed for the first time that Reed Hayes of Hawaii is the Certified Document Examiner (CDE) who produced the 40 page opinion referenced in an Alabama court affidavit concluding that Obama's White House pdf birth certificate image was completely fabricated.
Obots (FogBlowers) have rushed to denounce Reed Hayes as a "quack" but might be surprised to find that one of Hayes' clients listed in the Expert Witness Directory at the thread link is an attorney with Perkins Coie. That is the law firm whose partners have provided Obama's personal defense against all birth certificate and natural born citizen litigation over the past five years.
Should Sheriff Arpaio succeed in getting congress to investigate the authenticity of Obama's BC, the Perkins Coie legal team defending Obama will be hard pressed to denounce Reed Hayes as a "quack" when members of their own firm have used him as an expert witness. Their own prior cases where Hayes was used as a witness would be compromised if they use Alinski-style mocking ad hominem attacks on Hayes.
Obots are already peppering Hayes with e-mails trying to discover the details in his 40-page forensic analysis of the pdf BC, but Hayes has properly refused to disclose any details and refers them to Arpaio and the CCP who own his report.
The Obot attempt to find "dirt" on Hayes was quickly derailed by their discovery that Hayes had a male "partner" (now deceased) who had been an ACLU lawyer in Hawaii making it likely that Hayes himself was a liberal progressive and likely Obama supporter and not some Tea Party "birther" prior to being engaged to examine Obama's BC image. This ruins their usual playbook of smearing truth-tellers on the right. Obots have even debated at length whether personal attacks should be suspended due to this discovery and only Hayes' work product be attacked. That's generous of some of them but other Obots chimed in that just because Hayes' partner was ACLU doesn't mean that Hayes wasn't some kind of Obama-hating right-wing "birther."
Very amusing!
Ping to thread on Perkins Coie using Reed Hayes as a document expert and FogBlower heads exploding after finding that Hayes had a “partner” (now deceased) who was an ACLU lawyer...
I am sure they were hoping for the trifecta:
AR-15 owner
Too bad....
Sheriff Joe is playing Chess..
Anyone with Adobe Illustrator knew this already.
It’s raining scandals!
‘Obots have even debated at length whether personal attacks should be suspended due to this discovery and only Hayes’ work product be attacked. That’s generous of some of them but other Obots chimed in that just because Hayes’ partner was ACLU doesn’t mean that Hayes wasn’t some kind of Obama-hating right-wing “birther.”’
They’ve gone off the rails. They’re admiring the lovely chartreuse sky & marveling at the proliferation of rainbows & unicorns.
Now that they’ve had a taste of this idyllic alternate ‘world’, they’ll never revisit the real one.
The midterms are going to come as an awful shock to the Befogged community.
I don’t visit Fogland, but I wish someone who does cd answer one question. Namely, do they have an explanation for why, if Obama has a real LF BC on file, an electronic forgery had to be created in the first place?
BTW, I purchased some search time on the webpage which records the results, good or bad, for Daubert challenges to expert witnesses and no Daubert challenges to Reed Hayes are recorded. This may be due to his impeccable credentials and well drafted opinions which would discourage any such challenges from opposing counsel.
Daubert Standard:
Anyone who has ever used a manual typewriter knew this already.
That’s a great question.
As best I can tell, their position is that the only birth certificate that matters is the one stored in a safe in the Registrar’s office in the Hawaii Department of Health, the original version. That one has been verified as authentic by Hawaii officials on eight occasions since 2008.
They further believe that what some folks call “forgery” is nothing more than misunderstanding the optimization process used when creating a PDF from a scanned document. In layman’s terms, digital manipulation doesn’t alter the content of a scanned document, it just makes the document easier to read on a computer screen through compression and optimization of graphics.
It’s like saying that a scanned picture of the moon that has been digitally manipulated and enhanced through the use of Adobe Illustrator software algorithms does not change the moon itself or render the moon as fraudulent.
Is this their position or yours?
Ping to thread on Perkins Coie using Reed Hayes as a document expert and FogBlower heads exploding after finding that Hayes had a partner (now deceased) who was an ACLU lawyer...
Thanks, Carp.
Wouldn’t it be amazing if your view of Obama’s forged LF BC just happened to be identical to that of the Foggers?
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