Posted on 05/01/2013 10:26:32 AM PDT by NOBO2012
nnnNow the moment you have been waiting for has arrived. You have selected the finalists, and the battle begins. The winner will be awarded my coveted, Golden FLOTUS, and be forever ensconced in my Snark Attack Hall Of Fame.
Competition was fierce, and there were several ties. I expanded the runoff to the 12 Frocky Horror entries with the most Likes. The results were tallied this morning, and may have changed since as I cant turn off the Like feature on just one post. I HOPE my super-secret nominating committee didnt miss-count any contenders, butt if they did, just remember, they are from Chicago, and mistakes happen...
After the Chicago gang certified the results, Little Mo & Raj tossed all the rest of the entries into the hopper and randomly selected a Wildcard.
So, without further adieu, here are your 2013 Frocky Horror Picture Show© Finalists, a bakers dozen of truly horrifying frocks:
Polls will remain open until Friday, 5-3-2013 at 11:59 PM EDT. Git yer voters runnin, and remember, as always, Chicago Rules apply: no ID is required, vote early, vote often, and may the worst best Frocky Horror win!
Dont forget to check out todays other post: Obama 2.0 Still a few bugs were working on the peevishness.
Crap. Don’t no where to start. All hideous. Good thing I’m not in the middle of breakfast or anything. Definite appetite killer pics.
I picked #2, the one where the slob is at the bottom of the airplane steps . . . those beefy, chubby, fat and very ugly legs just kinda’ say it all . . . especially for someone who dares to call our kids fat. She’s a slob.
Now we know why zero pushed for gay mariage. He wanted his relationship with this tranny to be legal. That's a dude!
A truly horrifying collection.
The light colored pantsuit (#8 and9) look like pajamas. Is she sans shoes in #9?
If cabooses had license plates, hers should read “Fashion Terrorista #1”.
But I did see someplace she might be a contender for the vp slot with the hildebeast. Barf alert! Barf alert!
I’m surprised the “Black Widow” dress didn’t make the list. I guess my vote goes for the first one, the teal dress. I suppose it’s probably the battery pack from her microphone, but it looks like she’s packing a salami under that thing.
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