[[i believe hes a troll]]
I beleive you’re right- Even i nthe face of direcvt testimony (much hte way thje left in cognress were) they still deny there were WMD’s (and problably even doubt the holocaust even happened)- They ;pick and choose the evidence they want to hear- and ignroe everythign out and keep repeatign hteir absolutist stance over and over aGAIN despite manty givign direct evidence to refute their claims- Clasic trollish behavior
I am now convinced he;s either a 9/11 truther, a Paul supporter or plain nuts
What evidence? Sources please.
The WMD claims came from people who had agenda and wanted to be put in power.
They’re totally discredited.
I can’t help it if you cant see that and what a mistake it was.
I’m not a troll. Just a Taft Republican who doesn’t like preemptive war. Taft didn’t even want to join NATO!