Fear of blacks rioting is more like it.
Tsk tsk tsk....that is SOOOO un-PC.
40 lashes with a wet noodle for you!
Who owns the real estate that 'black rioting' would destroy?
Where, in terms of which political party runs the zones, would these 'black riots' take place?
Why would blacks in general riot over a criminal being exposed? ... The vast majority of black people wouldn't be 'rioting' so 'black riots' refers to a very small minority of thuggish individuals anyway.
Who are these 'black rioters' that would do the rioting?
Do we really want to keep such 'rioters' in the gene pool, anyway?
Having witnessed the watts riots, middle of the newark riots in1967 and then finally rodney king riots
Risk vs reward. If thats the price for freedom, liberty . . .i say bring it on and clean this festering wound so we can begin to heal.
Looks like we had a pretty good “army” on the streets of Boston. Just deploy the them when the riots start.