Obama birth certificate story not going away? It might as well, since no one who can do something about it will. Looks like the people at C-Pac reneged on their promise — one saying something like “We don’t remember making that promise.” I wonder who “We” are?
I’m going to find it very difficult to vote in a federal election anytime soon. They can all screw themselves.
This would not happen in my father’s generation, forty years ago, that’s for damn sure. The Republicans forced Nixon out, and he did far less than that bastard in the White House.
I think it all changed during Clinton’s impeachment trial. They had the guy cold: he committed perjury straight up. Not only was he not convicted, but the MSM exacted a terrible price for all those who made an effort (to show that no one is above the law, etc.).
The end result was that Clinton rose in esteem among many voters while the house members who tried to hold him accountable were treated like pariahs. At least one lost his seat, & others faced an erosion of support.
There has not been a single time since then when the Republicans took a stand. It’s as if they chucked their principles & decided that being part of the DC Ruling Class trumped sticking their necks out for conservatism.
At least that’s how it looks to me. Fwiw.
What you said!!
Pubbies did help force Nixon out. I don’t remember Dems ever doing anything like that. They defended Alger Hiss and Clinton for example.