Hey Rove you and your ill pushed this turd poking agenda onto us, you let non conservatives speak at CPAC whihc the media ran with,. you let them spout their agenda to us and have them tell us to change our views.
You attacked people like Sarah, Newt and now Cruz while telling us to accept Romney and Bush
Bush should have placed much more better judges around the country too.
If 9 people tell tens of millions of voters to ignore their votes which they did about this issue and tell states which don;t want this commie agenda and make no mistake this is and was a communist agenda then as far as I;m concerned those states should leave a failed union
Founding fathers had a dream, and it was not a bunhc of men who liek to have sex with a mans anal feces or a woman who pretends to be a guy wearing a strap on to be married and then tell the 1st amendment to be thrown away
remember religious freedom, the most basic set up of this country and did our side actually get a good lawyer who could refute the lefts radcial arguments or did they have a wishy washy useless not bothered lawyer?
I heard this morning the left’s homosexuals marriage lawyer who argued the case to the court saying he fought this on 3 counts and all of them were a cop out and easily refuted.
Let us not forget that this was brought by a woman who said she got married, then the wife or husband or what eevr they call themselves died.
She was not able to get the benefits for the milliosns she was left with.
If this was about thta case then all she had to do was to fight to get those benefits and not to have marriage redefined.
It makes me sick to read the 1963 communist rules
http://www.uhuh.com/nwo/communism/comgoals.htm and then have the fake infiltrating so called conservatives and republicans state the same message as the communists
‘You attacked people like Sarah, Newt and now Cruz”
One of these things is not like the other. One of these things just doesn’t belong...