No they havent acted in a way to display fitness to be American citizens or to stay here...
Its one thing to be brought here as illegal alien children by their illegal alien adults...
its a whole other thing when they knew they were here illegally and never said anything about their situation...
and when they turned 18 it was now their crime as well as their parents when they didnt turn themselves in and go home to get to the back of the line...
If the US government had inititated a way to retain them here if they came forward is one thing...
They might have had a clean slate and been able to apply to immigrate here the right way...
but since they are blatantly in-your-face with us forget it...
They have no respect for America and our laws...
They dont love America...
they dont even respect her...
This country is way beyond that. The GOP is lining up to give them the vote.
But I always wondered:
1) Why isn't it a felony for adults to bring or leave a child in here illegally?
2) Why doesn't the federal government cut off funding for schools who don't report kids who are illegal
My point is that once you let the kids grow up here and to go to school here then you have created a human sympathy drama that you cant win against. That is the reality. You see it now playing out tragically.
So as late as it is add these to the bi-partision amnesty bills as amendments.
Chris Hayes on MSNBC today said :"Republicans are deluding themselves if they think that Hispanics will vote for them just because they sign onto an immigration reform bill"
But this is exactly what McCain, Rub, Paul and the others are trying to convince us.