the effete supid party GOP elites WANT deviant marriage to be impossed so they can dump the social issues.
effetes do not like morality.
and as long as this stupid party keeps letting the left and liberal-tarians have a platform, use our conventions and run i our primaries then this will only get worse.
Why should they use our platforms to spout their liberal crap and lecture us on our views and how they must change.
Also the likes of the elitist who allow that like Rove, Perino, Peggy Noonan have still not got it into their thick dumb stupid heads that when they do not defend our base platform and defend children and family then they lose.
They are so deluded even after losing the base not coming out that they actually think that if they look more lke the socialist party and the liberal-tarian party then we will get votes and to hell with millions of the base.
I have a feeling this is about Portman, and pleasing their turd poking strap on wearing, elitist cocktail DC, north east pals